Women often tell me, "I would like to write a book someday." My answer is always an enthusiastic, "Do it! What are you waiting for?"
My children will tell you that over the years I have filled up notebook after notebook and then hard drives too! I do not know how many books I have started and never finished. If you are a writer, you understand what I am saying. Writing has been my outlet. It is my form of creative expression but compiling and finishing a book evaded me.
My book projects are children I birth and nurture, but never allow to grow up and leave home. This year I determined I would finish and publish one book. I compiled a series of lessons I'd taught the previous year. I cleaned them up and improved them some and then the real adventure began.
We live in a wonderful time. Just about anything you want to know, can be found on the Internet. There are blogs, webinars, online courses, books galore and some really nice people who are willing to help. The more I learned the more I was inspired to publish my book. With the help of editors, designers and other authors I published, "The Amazing Christian Life, Ten Transforming Truths" in April 2017 and in two weeks my first children's book, "Toby Learns to Obey" will be available on Amazon.com.
If you love to write, if you have something to want to share, do it! Whatever is holding you back can be overcome.
If I can be of help, please email me at cynthia@lastinglegacybooks.com